Guten morgen zusammen,
Wie kann man unter iOS eigentlich die Zonen auslesen ?
Ich meine nicht ganze Räume sondern nur Teilbereiche
Guten morgen zusammen,
Wie kann man unter iOS eigentlich die Zonen auslesen ?
Ich meine nicht ganze Räume sondern nur Teilbereiche
Es gibt nun die Funktion „Pin & Go“, sodass der Robosauger an einen bestimmten vorgegebenen Standort navigiert werden kann - zum Beispiel bei Leeren des Staubbehälters an den Mülleimer oder am Muttertag mit ner Rose dran ans Bett der Frau, um WAF zu erhöhen 🤣
oder am Muttertag mit ner Rose dran ans Bett der Frau, um WAF zu erhöhen 🤣
Lass das lieber. Es endet nur in "der Staubsauger bringt mir Rosen, aber du kommst wieder nicht auf so eine Idee".
Hallo zusammen.
Ich habe da eine Frage und zwar, ich besitze einen Roborock s6 maxv und Homebridge.
Wenn ich meinen Roborock mit einem Plugin in Homebridge einfüge, habe ich dann noch zugriff auf die Remote Kamera? Bzw. Kann man die Remote Kamera dann über Homekit steuern?
Das Plugin unterstützt die Kamera aktuell nicht. Unser Mitglied Kohle_81 hatte hier mal wegen dem S6 maxv angefragt:…oborock-vacuum/issues/415
Ansonsten sollte meines Wissens nach die Integration des Saugers in Homekit über dieses Plugin nichts daran ändern, dass du weiterhin die Xiaomi App nutzen kannst.
Hallo leute,
hab seit heute folgenden Fehler:
[homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
Finde im netz nichts dazu O_o ?!
Finde im netz nichts dazu O_o ?!
Komisch, ich dagegen ganz viel:
Hey Leute,
ich habe neuerdings ein Roborock S8 Pro Ultra und wollte diesen in meine Hombridge / Apple Home über das Plugin homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum integrieren. Soweit läuft alles, bis auf die Raumaufteilung über HomeKit. Die Schalter werden mir zwar angezeigt, ich kann diese auch einschalten und die Reinigung starten, aber dann fährt der Roboter nur kurz raus, sagt "Zimmerreinigung wird gestartet" und schaltet sich anschließend mit den Worten "Reinigung abgeschlossen, fahre zur Station zurück" wieder aus.
Meine Config sieht so aus:
"name": "Roborock S8 Pro Ultra",
"serviceType": "switch",
"waterBox": false,
"dustBin": false,
"dustCollection": false,
"disableCareServices": false,
"silent": false,
"pause": false,
"pauseWord": "pause",
"findMe": true,
"findMeWord": "Wo ist der Staubsauger",
"goTo": false,
"goToWord": "go to coordinates",
"goToX": 25500,
"goToY": 25500,
"dock": true,
"cleanword": "Staubsauger an",
"roomTimeout": 0,
"autoroom": false,
"rooms": [
"name": "Küche",
"id": 1
"name": "Schlafzimmer",
"id": 2
"name": "Wohnzimmer",
"id": 3
"name": "Flur",
"id": 4
"name": "Badezimmer",
"id": 5
"name": "Büro",
"id": 6
"accessory": "XiaomiRoborockVacuum"
Alles anzeigen
Jemand eine Idee? Danke für eure Hilfe!
Stimmen die id‘s ?
Ich denke, dass da der Fehler liegt - aber sicher bin ich mir nicht..
Ich hab das so verstanden, dass ich in der Xiaomi-App einen Plan unter "Pläne" erstelle, dort die Räume unten auswähle und in der Reihenfolge, in der ich die Räume auswähle, die ID darstellen.
Kann natürlich auch sein, dass ich mich total irre, aber da kannst du mir wahrscheinlich einen Hinweis geben? 😅
Roborock S8 Pro Ultra
Bestimmt eine geile Schüssel, aber ich besitze sie leider nicht. Dafür einen S7. Und bei dem beginnen die IDs bei 16. Ob das auch für den S8 gilt, weiß ich nicht.
Ja, das kam mir vorerst etwas komisch vor, aber teste ich heute Nachmittag mal aus, danke für den Tipp!
ich bin Martin und habe gestern mal wieder versucht meinen S5 per Homebridge "sprechen" bei zu bringen.
Token und alles passt
aber in der Home App sind die Schalter für die Räume auch da aber keiner hat eine entsprechende Bezeichung wie zum Beispiel BAD oder Wohnzimmer
woran kann das liegen
Wenn alle Schalter den gleichen Namen haben dann weil das ein Bug mit iOS 16 ist, betrifft alle Plugins.…oborock-vacuum/issues/552
hab nen zweiten Roborock geholt und seit dem ich den in Roborock App hinzugefügt habe, klappt die verbindung nicht mehr.
Alt Saugi:
Name Mitsos : Roborock S5 Max
Neu Saugi:
Name Kitsos: Roborck Qrevo Pro
Hat einer eine idee?
Model=unknown] getSerialNumber | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Mitso] [Model=unknown] getFirmware | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Mitso] [Model=unknown] getCleaning | Failed getting the cleaning status. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:92:17)
at DeviceManager.get state [as state] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:73:17)
at DeviceManager.get isCleaning [as isCleaning] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:77:43)
at MainService.getCleaning (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/main_service.ts:115:45)
at On.getHandler (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/main_service.ts:45:25)
at On.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/src/lib/Characteristic.ts:2404:32)
at step (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:196:27)
at (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:177:57)
at /usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:170:75
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Mitso] [Model=unknown] getSpeed | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getSerialNumber | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getFirmware | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getCleaning | Failed getting the cleaning status. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:92:17)
at DeviceManager.get state [as state] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:73:17)
at DeviceManager.get isCleaning [as isCleaning] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:77:43)
at MainService.getCleaning (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/main_service.ts:115:45)
at On.getHandler (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/main_service.ts:45:25)
at On.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/src/lib/Characteristic.ts:2404:32)
at step (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:196:27)
at (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:177:57)
at /usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:170:75
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getSpeed | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getWaterSpeed | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getWaterSpeed | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getDustCollectionState | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [hue] Stella: set homekit supported transition configuration to {"configuration":[{"iid":11,"characteristic":1},{"iid":13,"characteristic":2}]}
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [hue] Hari: set homekit supported transition configuration to {"configuration":[{"iid":11,"characteristic":1},{"iid":13,"characteristic":2}]}
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'On': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Status Low Battery': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Battery Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Charging State': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Occupancy Detected': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'On': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Status Low Battery': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Battery Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Charging State': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Occupancy Detected': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Change Indication': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Change Indication': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Change Indication': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Change Indication': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Change Indication': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Change Indication': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Change Indication': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Change Indication': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Change Indication': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Change Indication': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Filter Life Level': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] Device "lumi.gateway.aqhm01" is not registered as a vacuum cleaner! If you think it should be, please open an issue at and provide this line.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getSerialNumber | Failed getting the serial number. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at ProductInfo.getSerialNumber (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/product_info.ts:83:53)
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getFirmware | Failed getting the firmware version. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at ProductInfo.getFirmware (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/product_info.ts:67:49)
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getDustCollectionState | Failed getting the cleaning status. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:92:17)
at DeviceManager.get state [as state] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:73:17)
at DustCollection.get isDustCollecting [as isDustCollecting] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/dust_collection.ts:30:31)
at DustCollection.getDustCollectionState (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/dust_collection.ts:37:37)
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Firmware Revision': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Rotation Speed': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Rotation Speed': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'On': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:11] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'On': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:13] [Mitso] [Model=unknown] ERR connect | miio.device, next try in 2 minutes | Error: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout
[28.11.2024, 20:17:13] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Serial Number': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:13] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Firmware Revision': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:13] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Rotation Speed': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getSerialNumber | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getFirmware | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] Device "lumi.gateway.aqhm01" is not registered as a vacuum cleaner! If you think it should be, please open an issue at and provide this line.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getSerialNumber | Failed getting the serial number. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at ProductInfo.getSerialNumber (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/product_info.ts:83:53)
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getFirmware | Failed getting the firmware version. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at ProductInfo.getFirmware (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/product_info.ts:67:49)
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Firmware Revision': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getSerialNumber | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getFirmware | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] Device "lumi.gateway.aqhm01" is not registered as a vacuum cleaner! If you think it should be, please open an issue at and provide this line.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:16] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getSerialNumber | Failed getting the serial number. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at ProductInfo.getSerialNumber (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/product_info.ts:83:53)
[28.11.2024, 20:17:17] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getFirmware | Failed getting the firmware version. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at ProductInfo.getFirmware (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/product_info.ts:67:49)
[28.11.2024, 20:17:17] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Firmware Revision': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:18] [Mitso] [Model=unknown] getFirmware | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:20] [Mitso] [Model=unknown] ERR connect | miio.device, next try in 2 minutes | Error: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout
[28.11.2024, 20:17:20] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Firmware Revision': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:20] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getSerialNumber | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:20] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:20] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getFirmware | No vacuum cleaner is discovered yet.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:20] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] INF ensureDevice | unknown model | The socket was destroyed or not initialised, initialising the device
[28.11.2024, 20:17:20] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] Device "lumi.gateway.aqhm01" is not registered as a vacuum cleaner! If you think it should be, please open an issue at and provide this line.
[28.11.2024, 20:17:20] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getSerialNumber | Failed getting the serial number. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at ProductInfo.getSerialNumber (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/product_info.ts:83:53)
[28.11.2024, 20:17:20] [Kitsos] [Model=unknown] getFirmware | Failed getting the firmware version. Error: Not connected yet
at DeviceManager.get device [as device] (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/device_manager.ts:86:13)
at ProductInfo.getFirmware (/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum/src/services/product_info.ts:67:49)
[28.11.2024, 20:17:20] [homebridge-xiaomi-roborock-vacuum] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'Firmware Revision': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Not connected yet. See for more info.
[28.11.2024, 20:19:22] [Mitso] [Model=unknown] ERR connect | miio.device, next try in 2 minutes | Error: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout
[28.11.2024, 20:21:24] [Mitso] [Model=unknown] ERR connect | miio.device, next try in 2 minutes | Error: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout
[28.11.2024, 20:23:26] [Mitso] [Model=unknown] ERR connect | miio.device, next try in 2 minutes | Error: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout
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5 Ghz WLAN mal deaktiviert und dann mal testen?
Habe getrennte Wlans 2,4 und 5 GHz