Fo now only no local services is aviable but im working on it. It dificult becouse of complexity of the system to create some local installation or howto.
It just extend of webpanel.
So it can display live data that are stored on webpanel. It's working similar as other services like that thinkspeak etc. so You need to send data to webopanel (from homekit You are using automation with request url and post data from take a status of device). Of course it can display any of data You want, You can use Curl to send it. or for example i use personal shortcut to calculate travel to office time in the morning when i disable alarm. this data is send to webpanel and display live on dashboard near house enrty.
I haven't spoken for a long time but I was working on a new project.
The result of my work is ready to use:)
I made a as easy as possible platform for DIY homekit stuff. It's for all user with no tech knowledge as well. Anyone can handle it!
Currently, the most interesting and advanced software is indoorSensor. You can build your own homekit room devicemeasuring many different values like PM, TVOC, eCO2, temperature, humidity, light level, air pressure, noise, motions and many others with cheap AliExpress hardware
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