Danke für das update.
Ist es möglich bei einer HKSV-enabled Kamera noch einen zusätzlichen Bewegungsmelder der die Aufnahmen triggert zu nutzen?
Danke für das update.
Ist es möglich bei einer HKSV-enabled Kamera noch einen zusätzlichen Bewegungsmelder der die Aufnahmen triggert zu nutzen?
Welchen WLAN Router hast Du Holsteiner?
eben ist mir aufgefallen das HomeKit irgendwie mit meinen AppleTVs Probleme zu haben scheint ( :
CodeAlles anzeigen1/30/2022, 1:51:26 PM] [CameraUI] LoungeCam: Motion ON [1/30/2022, 1:51:26 PM] [CameraUI] [31mLoungeCam: FFmpeg recording process exited with error! (null)[39m [1/30/2022, 1:51:35 PM] [CameraUI] LoungeCam: Closing recording process [1/30/2022, 1:51:35 PM] [CameraUI] LoungeCam: Motion OFF [HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources. [HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources.
komischerweise funktioniert jetzt eine Camera mit HSV. weiss aber nicht warum :-/
Alles anzeigenHallo,
Danke für dieses Plugin
Das streamen läuft bei mir 1A über HomeKit
Bei den Alarmen habe ich nur meinen Kampf - manchmal geht es - manchmal wieder nicht.
Ich setze drei Instar HD5907HD Cams ein die "Lounge" hat noch nie aufgenommen, Garage manchmal und "Garten" lief gestern 1A.....heute keine Aufnahme trotz viel Bewegung.
vielleicht sagt euch das hier ja was :
CodeAlles anzeigen[1/28/2022, 7:33:28 PM] [CameraUI] Lounge: Motion ON [1/28/2022, 7:33:28 PM] [CameraUI] Lounge: FFmpeg recording process exited with error! (null) [1/28/2022, 7:33:28 PM] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":96.0625,"sensitivity":5,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}] - Motion: detected - Camera: Garten [1/28/2022, 7:33:28 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Motion ON [1/28/2022, 7:33:29 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: FFmpeg recording process exited with error! (null) [1/28/2022, 7:33:36 PM] [CameraUI] Lounge: Closing recording process [1/28/2022, 7:33:36 PM] [CameraUI] Lounge: Motion OFF [1/28/2022, 7:33:37 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Closing recording process [1/28/2022, 7:33:37 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Motion OFF [HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources. [HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources. [1/28/2022, 7:34:05 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: FFmpeg recording process exited with error! (null) [1/28/2022, 7:34:13 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Closing recording process [HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources. [1/28/2022, 7:34:28 PM] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: {"time":"2022-01-28T18:34:28.110Z","event":"dwellTime (60s)"} - Motion: resetted - Camera: Lounge [1/28/2022, 7:34:32 PM] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: {"time":"2022-01-28T18:34:32.853Z","event":"dwellTime (60s)"} - Motion: resetted - Camera: Garten [Garage 7F73] The image snapshot handler for the given accessory is slow to respond! See https://git.io/JtMGR for more info. [1/28/2022, 7:36:37 PM] [CameraUI] Garage: Fetching snapshot took 10.638 seconds. [1/28/2022, 7:36:41 PM] [CameraUI] Esszimmer: Starting video stream: native [1/28/2022, 7:37:03 PM] [CameraUI] Esszimmer: Stopped video stream. [1/28/2022, 7:39:24 PM] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":89.84201049804688,"sensitivity":11,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}] - Motion: detected - Camera: Garten [1/28/2022, 7:39:24 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Motion ON [1/28/2022, 7:39:25 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: FFmpeg recording process exited with error! (null) [1/28/2022, 7:39:33 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Closing recording process [1/28/2022, 7:39:33 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Motion OFF [HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources. [1/28/2022, 7:40:25 PM] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: {"time":"2022-01-28T18:40:25.868Z","event":"dwellTime (60s)"} - Motion: resetted - Camera: Garten
und hier meine config :
CodeAlles anzeigen{ "debug": false, "port": 6061, "atHomeSwitch": false, "options": { "videoProcessor": "ffmpeg" }, "ssl": { "active": false }, "http": { "active": false, "port": 7272, "localhttp": false }, "smtp": { "active": false, "port": 2727, "space_replace": "+" }, "ftp": { "active": false, "useFile": false, "port": 5050 }, "mqtt": { "active": false, "tls": false, "port": 1883 }, "cameras": [ { "name": "Garten", "manufacturer": "Instar", "model": "IN-5907HD", "serialNumber": "10:D1:DC:0D:35:BF", "motion": true, "doorbell": false, "motionDoorbell": false, "switches": true, "motionTimeout": 15, "unbridge": true, "hsv": true, "prebuffering": true, "prebufferLength": 4, "videoConfig": { "source": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554", "subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554", "stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/tmpfs/auto.jpg", "maxStreams": 2, "rtspTransport": "tcp", "vcodec": "copy", "acodec": "libfdk_aac", "audio": false }, "videoanalysis": { "active": true }, "mqtt": {}, "smtp": { "email": "Garten" } }, { "name": "Lounge", "manufacturer": "Instar", "model": "IN-5907HD", "serialNumber": "10:D1:DC:0D:35:CC", "motion": true, "doorbell": false, "motionDoorbell": false, "switches": true, "motionTimeout": 15, "unbridge": true, "hsv": true, "prebuffering": true, "prebufferLength": 4, "videoConfig": { "source": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554", "subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554", "stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/tmpfs/auto.jpg", "maxStreams": 2, "rtspTransport": "tcp", "vcodec": "copy", "acodec": "libfdk_aac", "audio": false }, "videoanalysis": { "active": true }, "mqtt": {}, "smtp": { "email": "Lounge" } }, { "name": "Esszimmer", "manufacturer": "Instar", "model": "IN-8015HD", "serialNumber": "10:D1:DC:21:D9:DE", "motion": true, "doorbell": false, "motionDoorbell": false, "switches": true, "motionTimeout": 15, "unbridge": true, "hsv": true, "prebuffering": true, "prebufferLength": 4, "videoConfig": { "source": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/11", "subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/11", "stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/tmpfs/auto.jpg", "maxStreams": 2, "rtspTransport": "tcp", "vcodec": "copy", "acodec": "libfdk_aac", "audio": false }, "videoanalysis": { "active": true }, "mqtt": {}, "smtp": { "email": "Esszimmer" } }, { "name": "Garage", "manufacturer": "Instar", "model": "IN-5907HD", "serialNumber": "10:D1:DC:0D:35:C0", "motion": true, "doorbell": false, "motionDoorbell": false, "switches": true, "motionTimeout": 15, "unbridge": true, "hsv": true, "prebuffering": true, "prebufferLength": 4, "videoConfig": { "source": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554", "subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554", "stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/tmpfs/auto.jpg", "maxStreams": 2, "rtspTransport": "tcp", "vcodec": "copy", "acodec": "libfdk_aac", "audio": false }, "videoanalysis": { "active": true }, "mqtt": {}, "smtp": { "email": "Garage" } } ] }
Danke für jeden Tip!
eben ist mir aufgefallen das HomeKit irgendwie mit meinen AppleTVs Probleme zu haben scheint ( :
1/30/2022, 1:51:26 PM] [CameraUI] LoungeCam: Motion ON
[1/30/2022, 1:51:26 PM] [CameraUI] [31mLoungeCam: FFmpeg recording process exited with error! (null)[39m
[1/30/2022, 1:51:35 PM] [CameraUI] LoungeCam: Closing recording process
[1/30/2022, 1:51:35 PM] [CameraUI] LoungeCam: Motion OFF
[HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources.
[HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources.
Alles anzeigen
Danke für dieses Plugin
Das streamen läuft bei mir 1A über HomeKit
Bei den Alarmen habe ich nur meinen Kampf - manchmal geht es - manchmal wieder nicht.
Ich setze drei Instar HD5907HD Cams ein die "Lounge" hat noch nie aufgenommen, Garage manchmal und "Garten" lief gestern 1A.....heute keine Aufnahme trotz viel Bewegung.
vielleicht sagt euch das hier ja was :
[1/28/2022, 7:33:28 PM] [CameraUI] Lounge: Motion ON
[1/28/2022, 7:33:28 PM] [CameraUI] Lounge: FFmpeg recording process exited with error! (null)
[1/28/2022, 7:33:28 PM] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":96.0625,"sensitivity":5,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}] - Motion: detected - Camera: Garten
[1/28/2022, 7:33:28 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Motion ON
[1/28/2022, 7:33:29 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: FFmpeg recording process exited with error! (null)
[1/28/2022, 7:33:36 PM] [CameraUI] Lounge: Closing recording process
[1/28/2022, 7:33:36 PM] [CameraUI] Lounge: Motion OFF
[1/28/2022, 7:33:37 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Closing recording process
[1/28/2022, 7:33:37 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Motion OFF
[HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources.
[HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources.
[1/28/2022, 7:34:05 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: FFmpeg recording process exited with error! (null)
[1/28/2022, 7:34:13 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Closing recording process
[HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources.
[1/28/2022, 7:34:28 PM] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: {"time":"2022-01-28T18:34:28.110Z","event":"dwellTime (60s)"} - Motion: resetted - Camera: Lounge
[1/28/2022, 7:34:32 PM] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: {"time":"2022-01-28T18:34:32.853Z","event":"dwellTime (60s)"} - Motion: resetted - Camera: Garten
[Garage 7F73] The image snapshot handler for the given accessory is slow to respond! See https://git.io/JtMGR for more info.
[1/28/2022, 7:36:37 PM] [CameraUI] Garage: Fetching snapshot took 10.638 seconds.
[1/28/2022, 7:36:41 PM] [CameraUI] Esszimmer: Starting video stream: native
[1/28/2022, 7:37:03 PM] [CameraUI] Esszimmer: Stopped video stream.
[1/28/2022, 7:39:24 PM] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: [{"zone":"region0","percent":89.84201049804688,"sensitivity":11,"dwell":60,"forceClose":3}] - Motion: detected - Camera: Garten
[1/28/2022, 7:39:24 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Motion ON
[1/28/2022, 7:39:25 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: FFmpeg recording process exited with error! (null)
[1/28/2022, 7:39:33 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Closing recording process
[1/28/2022, 7:39:33 PM] [CameraUI] Garten: Motion OFF
[HDS ::ffff:] Recording download stream 1 is still awaiting generator although stream was closed 10s ago! This is a programming mistake by the camera implementation which prevents freeing up resources.
[1/28/2022, 7:40:25 PM] [CameraUI] VIDEOANALYSIS: New message: Data: {"time":"2022-01-28T18:40:25.868Z","event":"dwellTime (60s)"} - Motion: resetted - Camera: Garten
Alles anzeigen
und hier meine config :
"debug": false,
"port": 6061,
"atHomeSwitch": false,
"options": {
"videoProcessor": "ffmpeg"
"ssl": {
"active": false
"http": {
"active": false,
"port": 7272,
"localhttp": false
"smtp": {
"active": false,
"port": 2727,
"space_replace": "+"
"ftp": {
"active": false,
"useFile": false,
"port": 5050
"mqtt": {
"active": false,
"tls": false,
"port": 1883
"cameras": [
"name": "Garten",
"manufacturer": "Instar",
"model": "IN-5907HD",
"serialNumber": "10:D1:DC:0D:35:BF",
"motion": true,
"doorbell": false,
"motionDoorbell": false,
"switches": true,
"motionTimeout": 15,
"unbridge": true,
"hsv": true,
"prebuffering": true,
"prebufferLength": 4,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554",
"subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554",
"stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/tmpfs/auto.jpg",
"maxStreams": 2,
"rtspTransport": "tcp",
"vcodec": "copy",
"acodec": "libfdk_aac",
"audio": false
"videoanalysis": {
"active": true
"mqtt": {},
"smtp": {
"email": "Garten"
"name": "Lounge",
"manufacturer": "Instar",
"model": "IN-5907HD",
"serialNumber": "10:D1:DC:0D:35:CC",
"motion": true,
"doorbell": false,
"motionDoorbell": false,
"switches": true,
"motionTimeout": 15,
"unbridge": true,
"hsv": true,
"prebuffering": true,
"prebufferLength": 4,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554",
"subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554",
"stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/tmpfs/auto.jpg",
"maxStreams": 2,
"rtspTransport": "tcp",
"vcodec": "copy",
"acodec": "libfdk_aac",
"audio": false
"videoanalysis": {
"active": true
"mqtt": {},
"smtp": {
"email": "Lounge"
"name": "Esszimmer",
"manufacturer": "Instar",
"model": "IN-8015HD",
"serialNumber": "10:D1:DC:21:D9:DE",
"motion": true,
"doorbell": false,
"motionDoorbell": false,
"switches": true,
"motionTimeout": 15,
"unbridge": true,
"hsv": true,
"prebuffering": true,
"prebufferLength": 4,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/11",
"subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/11",
"stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/tmpfs/auto.jpg",
"maxStreams": 2,
"rtspTransport": "tcp",
"vcodec": "copy",
"acodec": "libfdk_aac",
"audio": false
"videoanalysis": {
"active": true
"mqtt": {},
"smtp": {
"email": "Esszimmer"
"name": "Garage",
"manufacturer": "Instar",
"model": "IN-5907HD",
"serialNumber": "10:D1:DC:0D:35:C0",
"motion": true,
"doorbell": false,
"motionDoorbell": false,
"switches": true,
"motionTimeout": 15,
"unbridge": true,
"hsv": true,
"prebuffering": true,
"prebufferLength": 4,
"videoConfig": {
"source": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554",
"subSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554",
"stillImageSource": "-i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/tmpfs/auto.jpg",
"maxStreams": 2,
"rtspTransport": "tcp",
"vcodec": "copy",
"acodec": "libfdk_aac",
"audio": false
"videoanalysis": {
"active": true
"mqtt": {},
"smtp": {
"email": "Garage"
Alles anzeigen
Danke für jeden Tip!