eufy Secure Delivery - Die Zukunft sicherer Lieferungen - Paketempfang Box

  • Na dann lassen wir uns mal überraschen. ;)

    Viel Phantasie braucht es ja nicht. https://communitysecurity.eufy…-secure-deliveries/249300

    Ob dann aber auch HomeKit, oder HKSV mit drin sein wird, wird sich noch zeigen.

    eufy_favicon_16.png eufy Security

    Terms and Conditions:

    - This campaign is only open to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Romania, Poland, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, Norway, Bulgaria, Portugal, Australia, Japan, China.

    - There are a limited number of super early bird perks available. Make sure to check the Kickstarter campaign once it’s launched on 20h of August, 2020, 7:00 a.m E.T

    - By submitting your email you agree to the Privacy Policy and to receive marketing messages from eufy Security.

    - eufy Security reserves the right of final explanation.
